
For company outing last week we went to Cisarua for 2 nights. On our way there i saw chocomory shop and i know i have to stop and try it, since they also has an open chocolate factory too!

We almost did not manage to go there with all the traffic and road closing and opening! (They seriously need to put on a fix schedule if they organize the traffic better than that).

Chocomory located in cimory riverside restaurant, that place is BIG! The food there is nothing stellar almost bleh but i do enjoy their bandeng kropokan, that's the only delicious thing that i've tried. Try to get to the table just right beside the river, enjoying food with view is fantastic (unfortunately we didn't get any table on that area).

So when you enter the restaurant go to the right, you'll pass another snack store but chocomory is on the far right, you won't miss it.

They gave out tester so try it our first to see what you fits your taste best, cost they are quite costly. Well chocolate is expensive so if you compared in chocolate prices, they are quite cheap. They taste good, their dark chocolate is also good. Not too sweet, granted i only try the cashew nutcracker bar though. Would want to pick another dark chocolate varieties, but i'm no sure about their dark chocolates because so far local chocolate has disappoint me and since they don't have tester for chocolate bars, i just bought one to try first. I love cashew with dark chocolate definitely best combination. But this picture in the packaging is pretty misleading. It does not look like that at all, just simple chocolate bars with some cashew bits while the picture looks like they got tons of cashew. They did pit a disclaimer though so... fair enough then. Choco bars all priced at 38k.

I bought chocolate covered corn flakes 'mood booster'. It's the teaser size for 10k. Though you can also get the large one, the same size like chocoreo, though i'm not sure how much you would get for that size. The chocoreo that i bough for 40k contains of around 8 pcs of chocoreo. It taste good, not overly sweet just right ( i have sweet tooth though) but probably i can only eat one per day XD they also sell ice chocolate for 20k small cups, it's very creamy and heavy and chocolaty, try those if you are chocoholic XD

After shopping around, i was pretty excited to see a sign leading upstairs for the chocolate factory and i was skipping like a child hoping to get glimpse of magic unfold but unfortunately there's nothing going there. I can only see 1 person and he is fiddling with his phone inside the magic castle (yes that's what i called the factory). Pretty disappointing but maybe it needs some booking to be able to see or maybe they only work at certain time or something, i don't know, didn't ask either. *shrugs*

But man they do have so decent chocolate. Would like to go there again and try their 70% dark chocolate *nods*

Chocomory (Cimory riverside)
Jl. Raya puncak km 77
(It's on the right side if you are going up to Puncak)
Cisarua, Bogor
Ph: (62) 2517888

Ps: I think they closes early around 9 pm.

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