Indonesia Fashion Week

I wasn't really tune in with stuff like this, though I really love event like these. I love fashion afterall, although I belong to unique niche market which ignore the trend but only wearing things that interest me XD

I went to fashion week exhibition today and just right on the next of the fashion week exhibit, there's also Batik fabric exhibition. I'm not sure if both event was from the same organiser but wow what a perfect timing. 

So I went to the Batik section first, since it was the first hall that I reached. These like heaven of Batik, there were row row row of batik, everywhere you see there's batik and mostly batik, fabrics and also ready to wear and also traditional accessories as well as modern accessories. The range of the batik also varied, from cheap stuff into much more exquisite fabric that will cost you millions. Really if you love Indonesian traditional fabrics and accessories, you should come and take a look. It's free anyway XD  

The Batik exhibit, old collection and some explanation. 

Some of the collection

I really love this ceramic statue by an artist that his name escape me >.< 

Another one that i like.

I quickly skimming through Batik hall because at first my only intention was to spent no more than 2 hours in this area and quickly go back home to avoid heavy traffic. 

And I went to Fashion week hall. 

It wasn't awfully crowded, maybe since it was friday afternoon where most of the people still in the office. The entry is Rp. 20k or if you have BNI credit card, the entry is free. All you need to do is just show your credit card on the entrance and they'll let you in. 
This hall event is huge *-* They use 3 hall and another hall for fashion show. I didn't manage to watch any fashion show so I'm not sure if you need invitation or you can just stroll in, but from what i saw people went out and went in as they like, so i assume you can get in to watch the show for free or at least first come first serve basis. They are locate on the far back, you just need to go straight from the main door.

One of the hall (to the left from the main door) is mostly about Hijab Fashion (there's a couple of booth which i thought was somehow stranded with a wrong theme). I'm not wearing them so I'm not really up to date with that fashion. But man aren't they awesome?! They've grew so much for the past years and hijab was awesomely fashionable now. You'll find some quirky style here and there and really you don't have to wear a hijab to wear them. 

Another hall on the right is all about the new upcoming designer and local business. AWESOME!!!! i found a lot of cute stuff but sadly I didn't buy any of them (though I was collecting their name cards XD) Shoes, pants, batik, accessories, male, female, anything you name it, they got it. Oh though i didn't see any store specialising in hat, but that's still a lot to choose from. Because I was short on time, I only skim through them, but i want to go back tomorrow if I can XD Might be so very crowded tomorrow though D:

But in the end I spent 3 hours there... and man the traffic on the way home D:

Main Entrance

And this is the first thing you'll see... *-* 

Some of the display inside

The event will be on until sunday (23/2). If you love fashion, I'd suggest you come and take a look. You can find more information here -->

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