Demonstran - teater koma

I actually went last week.

Strong acting as usual, teater koma never lack in acting department and the acting is always so strong it carries everything forward.

The story is about the a retired demonstrator turned into a powerful entrepreneur who's ended up drag into life of dirty politicians. Smell of politic in this story is very strong with a powerful snide marks about the government. The story involve a lot of talking which sometimes made things a bit dull and dragging at one point. And the climax is so anti-climatic it left me feel hang at the ending. Feeling like something missing to close the stage. So really the plot is so heavy, you'll get lost when you are not prepared to follow.

The costumes is extraordinarily gorgeous!! Absolutely stunning with a lot of colors and sparkles supported nicely with the make up. Totally fitting! The big doll scared me though xD

Demonstran will run until 15 March in Taman Ismail Marzuki. So there's still some time to catch them. I got cheap tix for weekday which only cost me 100k that's a deal for great entertainment ;)

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