Pudding in a jar

Found this in Tous Les Jours and i instantly falling in love with the packaging (as usual, tokie's bad habit)

So since i was going to visit my cousin who's in hospital, i bought 2 of them. One for me and the other for her.

The packaging is glass jar so i can reuse it for something else now XD (i'd expect they will use glass jars for a short while though like many other establishment) they sell vanilla and chocolate and of course i choose chocolate. XD

The pudding is soft, it's like creme brûlée without bake sugar on top. There's 3 layers, the chocolate pudding (since it's soft in texture it's almost like mouse but much more condensed) rich chocolate flavour with vanilla pudding and caramel syrup on bottom. Delish!

It coat you 25k per bottle, not much and quite expensive but i think it's standard price for pudding in jars right?

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