Piano recital Stefano Rover

I'm a part time classical music enthusiast XD so when i heard there will be a piano recital, of course i need to attend.

Stefano Rover came here as part of his Asia tour. The schedule show starts at 7.30pm but i think he might experiencing the no. 1 Jakarta's attraction, which is traffic jam XD I overheard the staff panicking for somebody who hasn't arrive yet, I assume it was him XD therefore it might explain that he came in rushing and started playing. A bit frazzled. I think he's a great technique pianist but lacking emotional touch. Might be not his best form tonight. And might be because he came late so everything was a bit rushed. The second part was better in general, absolutely spot on.

While Lisi stole the show for me. The first song that she played, Debussy's feux d'artifice, was a bit off, shaky start. But the second song by Prokofiev, was absolutely marvellous.

Stefano also played double encore. One on his own playing Debussy's and the other duet with Lisi. A great night enjoying great classic but not so memorable.

The patronage of the concert consist of a variety of people, most weren't a classic enthusiast. A guy behind me always playing with his plastic bag was pretty annoying. And the girl in front of me chatting with normal tone was driving me crazy too. Plus the recital hall that they used isn't as good as the big hall on the 1st floor of the building. Oh well at least i still manage to enjoy the show.

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