Es kering


I found this 'Es Kering' on the food festival in Kelapa gading. If it translated into english it would be called 'dry ice'

I was curious about it, so i went ahead and order one. But it turn out it's an sandwich ice cream. Bit instead of bread, they use biscuits. And the ice cream is traditional Indonesian ice cream "es puter" with 4 flavour (taro, durian, kopyor coconut and banana) with 4 biscuits, chocolate, cheese, cat's tounge biscuits and i forgot the other one.

The idea is pretty original and they came from Bandung.

I ordered durian with chocolate biscuit and well honestly i don't like it. I'm not a fan of 'es puter' for starter but i really hate the biscuits >.< so i won't get another one for sure.

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