Bobabits branch

Since they just opened in Gading walk, Mal Kelapa Gading, i quickly went there and try out different drink from what i actually ordered.

I read on the menu 'hot chocobar with milk', i was curious so i ordered them. But i was surprised that it was actually hot milk with chocolate bar. So i thought 'ah pretty ordinary' but the chocolate that they used was not dark choco and it was the tipe of chocolate that i hate, chocolate with taste of butter inside it >.< plus the milk is sweet. I add a chocolate pudding on top of that. But the milk is not hot enough to properly melt the chocolate bar (though it seems that supposedly i should drank them with half melted chocolate) so i asked them to reheat the milk. When i received it back the pudding was also melted together XD i'm not sure i like them mix together like that XD it turns disaster for me XD

I went out with p-chan and she was hungry at the time so she ordered taiwanese rice chicken. Welll.... It taste alright but i won't ordered it again. The topping seems a lot but when we mixed the together, the proportion of the rice with the topping wasn't balance. The rice was tough so it's a bit hard to eat, p-chan definitely looked like she has a hard time eating it. The salty vegetable soup wasn't that salty too. Overall... I'll stay away from it >.<

I also ordered 'fried sweet potato' and when i ate it, i feel like i was having 'food identity crisis'. When you bite on it the first thing that came to your mind is 'what is this?' It's salty when you bite it and the afterwards you'll taste the sweetness of the sweet potato. So it gives youthe feeling of eating sweet french fries. Kinda weird! Still eatable though, i'm ok with it XD

The only thing that came out satisfying for me was actually p-chan drink green aple mint with aloe vera. Taste great, a hint of mint with bitter taste of the tea and refreshing apple. Goes well with aloe vera. Too bad i didn't take any picture of it, but it's green XD

Next time, i'll just stick with the usual drinks then *nod*

Bobabits - Gading Walk
Gading Walk 15-17
Mal Kelapa Gading
Jakarta, Indonesia

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